1. not even close. Turners a big bag who loves contact. Pead is more like Ray Rice because of his size and explosiveness

  2. That was the guy ive been wanting to help the bengals for months! GOD DAMNIT!!!

  3. Mccoy is way better why would you want this guy? Philly needs a big power back.

  4. Lol he looks like Nelly(megget) of the Longest Yard in that football uniform!!..

  5. Nah, a good guy like that shouldnt waste his career being a shitty steeler.

  6. ha, I played with Byrd in middle school and high school. He was a freak, just never really got taller since high school. But dude is a rock!

  7. Since Mendenhall is out next year for my Steelers Pead will like good in a Steeler uniform!

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